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  • Writer's pictureWendy

3,456 Miles

We started out with a plan and that plan was to see several of the Nascar Racetracks, and therefore we headed to Richmond Virginia. That's about how far the plan got. JW decided he had rather see Washington DC and on day two we rerouted and headed to Washington. We visited Trump Hotel, The Museum, and the Whitehouse (we saw it from a distance, LOL). We also walked around a few blocks before heading to our stop for the night in Delaware. We tried to get a peek at the Monster Mile, but we only got a glimpse from the highway.

The next day we took a ride on the Staten Island Ferry to New York City. We road an On Off Bus (which we remained on) around to see all of the sites and then road the Ferry back to our car. We got caught up in the heavy traffic of New York headed to our next stop for the night in Rhode Island.

We headed for Plymouth Rock and The Statue of our Forefathers the next morning

. Then to Lincoln New Hampshire, where we stayed for three days. Lots of beautiful, covered bridges in this area. We even made a day trip to Maine just so we could say we'd been.

We left there and headed to Buffalo NY where we stayed two nights. We visited Niagra Falls and a historical fort. It was amazing.

The next day we headed home. JW was amazed that we left Niagra and were home before dark.

There are lots of things to see in this beautiful land God has given us, you just have to pick a place, make a plan and go.

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